Nagasaki prefecture has confirmed that its IR bid has now entered the final stages of operator recruitment. According to officials, the selection is proceeding on schedule.
Nagasaki is currently in the secondary screening stage and the prefecture will make its decision between three candidates: Oshidori Consortium, Casinos Austria and NIKI Chyau Fwu (Parkview) Group.
Various efforts have been ongoing in Nagasaki prefecture and other areas to attract an IR.
The Kyushu/Nagasaki International Tourism Human Talent Development Prep Committee will hold its second seminar on 31 July, discussing the tourism, hospitality and personnel development industries. To be conducted online in Japanese, it will feature guest speakers engaged in international hospitality, tourism and IR businesses.
Nagasaki prefecture has continued to hold international events and seminars on economic advantages, business opportunities for local companies, countermeasures against problem gaming and IR-related issues for international tourism talent development.
Through the support of the Kyushu Regional Governor Association and the establishment of various organizations in Kyushu, several advanced efforts have been made for effective promotion and continued development of the Kyushu region.
Examples include the Kyushu IR Promotion Council, Kyushu/Nagasaki Safety and Security Network Council, Kyushu Regional Addiction Countermeasure Network Council (in development) and Kyushu/Nagasaki International Tourism Human Talent Development Consortium Prep Committee.
The Kyushu IR Promotion Council held its first business seminar on 4 June. Chairman Aso of the Kyushu IR Promotion Council (at the time) and Chairman Kaneko of the Sasebo Chamber of Commerce and Industry gave speeches and several speakers with IR industry experience took to the stage.
The seminar provided detailed information on the economic impacts and business opportunities, and concluded with remarks by the mayor of Sasebo that regional cooperation is important for the success of Kyushu/Nagasaki IR and the regional economy’s development.
The first Kyushu/Nagasaki Safety and Security Network Council joint subcommittee was held on 30 June. Opinions were exchanged on IR related addiction measures and local security issues. The Nagasaki University Hospital, PTA Federation, 7 District Autonomy Council, Nagasaki Prefectural Police, Nagasaki Prefecture, Sasebo City, and others participated in the joint subcommittee as members of the Dependency Countermeasures Subcommittee and the Youth/Security Countermeasures Subcommittee.
The Kyushu Regional Addiction Countermeasure Network Council will hold its first meeting this summer when it is scheduled to be launched. The council hopes to build regional cooperation in efforts such as effective prevention, countermeasures and improvement for gambling addictions.
Nagasaki prefecture officials commented, “We will continue to develop information seminars and regional alliances between councils to work on specific issues and concerns.”