According to latest information from the Labour Affairs Bureau (DSAL) of Macau, the total number of foreign employees of the six gaming concessionaires in Macau was 27,140 as of 30 June 2024, while the total number of local employees was 76,225, accounting for 73.7% of the total workforce.
In response to a question raised by a member of the Legislative Assembly this week, the Labour Affairs Bureau pointed out that the government had set the target of having no less than 85% of local employees at the middle and senior management levels of the concessionaires and would continue to monitor the number of employees in the enterprises concerned.
At the end of June, the proportion of local employees in middle and senior management positions had reached 90.3%.
DSAL said the government and concessionaires have been organizing job fairs every month, and that in the first seven months of 2024 a cumulative total of 8,260 people have been successfully placed in employment as a result.
In August, Legislative Assembly member Song Pek Kei raised a question to the government after noting that the number of employment permits for foreign employees in Macau had reached 210,000 since Macau’s reopening. Song said she considered the government’s manpower policy in relation to concessionaires was tilted in favor of foreign employees.