Australia’s Star Entertainment Group says it has voluntarily engaged an Independent Monitor to oversee its Renewal Program and to facilitate transparent reporting on progress to the Board and regulatory bodies.
In a Wednesday ASX filing, Star revealed it has appointed Allen & Overy Consulting to monitor the design and implementation of the company’s Renewal Program, which is being led by The Star’s Transformation Office under the Board’s oversight and aims to “guide an uplift to risk, compliance and culture.”
The appointment – which offers a similar model to that imposed upon both Crown Melbourne and Crown Perth after recent Royal Commissions in their respective states found them unsuitable to hold a casino license – appears to be pre-empting the findings of an inquiry into Star’s activities at The Star Sydney. The final report from that inquiry is due to be handed down this month, while a similar review is currently underway into Star’s Queensland operations.
“We look forward to working with our various regulators and are committed to continuous improvement through our Renewal Program,” said interim Chairman Ben Heap.
“The Renewal Program will deliver immediate and medium-term outcomes focused on governance, culture, training, systems and technology initiatives. This is an important program of work for The Star and early elements of the program are well underway.
“We will report to relevant regulatory authorities on progress transparently, including through the Independent Monitor where that is appropriate.”
The NSW Independent Liquor & Gaming Authority (ILGA) also revealed this week that it has appointed Wexted Advisors as an Expert Advisor to the regulator, providing ILGA with additional assurance with respect to The Star’s Sydney casino operations.