Two more people have been diagnosed with COVID-19 in Macau, bringing the total to 36, of whom 10 have symptoms and 26 are asymptomatic. At a government press conference late this afternoon Head of the Communicable Disease Prevention and Control Division, Leong Iek Hou, told IAG that one of the confirmed cases was a casino worker.
She said the casino worker “is not a frontline casino employee, not a dealer, but an executive.” However, she would not reveal which casino the executive worked in.
Director of the Health Bureau, Alvis Lo, said the 36 confirmed patients were temporarily divided into two groups, the first of which consisted of 23 people, including 13 foreign employees and “related people”. The second group consisted of 13 people, including a person working in the prison and his family of two others, a colleague, and other related people.
In addition, three more “10 mixed into one” samples were found to be preliminarily positive, now making a total of nine “10 mixed into one” samples which have been found to be preliminarily positive.
In relation to the “10 mixed into one” samples, the Response Coordination Center said that the 10 people involved would be asked to conduct a rapid test at home first, and if they were tested positive again, the government would arrange for them to be tested again at the Conde S. Januário Hospital.