Inside Asian Gaming

October 2017 inside asian gaming 43 Industry profile “Travelling to all major gaming shows in the Asia- Pacific region gives me the opportunity to understand different markets. I get to understand how different people in different countries play and that is very interesting to learn.” Raquel Dias: Did you always plan to follow a career in gaming? Ashley Fong: I was born and bred in Macau. Gaming always seemed like the best bet to make, so I always thought of going down that path. RD: How did you first become involved? AF: I first joined the Melco-Crown pre- opening team around 13 years ago. After a while I decided to join Wynn and from there I moved to the other side of the industry and have been with IGT for 10 years. I’m now involved in all of the company’s with the product and how they respond to it first hand. Working as I do, travelling to all major gaming shows in the Asia-Pacific region, gives me the opportunity to understand different markets. I get to understand how different people in different countries play and that is very interesting to learn. RD: Does being a woman in a man’s world ever make it harder for you? AF: Actually, I have to say that according to my experience there has been no difference in how people accept me. I do agree that when I started 13 years ago there weren’t marketing activities in Asia. From product launches to events and trade shows, I do a little of everything. RD: What do you like the most about your job? AF: Oh I love trade shows the most! It is there that I meet new faces, exchange contacts and have a chance to present my company’s products. It is always an exciting environment. Second to that, I have to say I love product launches. Being at the venues in person is the only way to see people’s reactions to your product. You get to see how they interact